Joanie and I had to take over 200 photos and then look at each one to make sure our notes matched with the pictures. We were looking for something in the photo that would give the team a point. What the teams did not know was that not all photos counted. The teams only had to get 1 photo right to stay ahead. As teams posted the photos we had to look at our notes and check the photos to see if the item at that location was right. What a job! Nice photos all day long
We had people get into teams. Teams were 2 to 4 people. Make up a team name and send it to Ray and Joanie. We got 7 teams and about 20 people played during the day. Great team names
Extra Buttons
We had some bonus points. The other was a picture of Phil, Candy and Abbot (the dog) So you see, you just don’t know what the next Vintage Daze will bring.
Hidden buttons
In addition to the photos list you will be given a clue to find one hidden Vintage Daze button.
Bonus Buttons
Throughout the day we will be posting new clues on the Darlins Vintage Daze event site for bonus buttons to be found.
Black and White or Sepia
Teams had to post their photos in Facebook under the Darlins event (Vintage Daze) in black and white or Sepia or they did not count.
Joanie and I had to take over 200 photos and then look at each one to make sure our notes matched with the pictures. We were looking for something in the photo that would give the team a point. What the teams did not know was that not all photos counted. The teams only had to get 1 photo right to stay ahead. As teams posted the photos we had to look at our notes and check the photos to see if the item at that location was right. What a job! Nice photos all day long
We had people get into teams. Teams were 2 to 4 people. Make up a team name and send it to Ray and Joanie. We got 7 teams and about 20 people played during the day. Great team names
Extra Buttons
We had some bonus points. The other was a picture of Phil, Candy and Abbot (the dog) So you see, you just don’t know what the next Vintage Daze will bring.
Hidden buttons
In addition to the photos list you will be given a clue to find one hidden Vintage Daze button.
Bonus Buttons
Throughout the day we will be posting new clues on the Darlins Vintage Daze event site for bonus buttons to be found.
Black and White or Sepia
Teams had to post their photos in Facebook under the Darlins event (Vintage Daze) in black and white or Sepia or they did not count.