Welcome to Dapper
Day Weekend
It’s summer and hot but
Dapper Day will be great.
Dapper Day weekend has become a staple in
the excitement of late spring at Walt Disney
World. People for all over the world look
forward to dressing in style and showing off
their fashion sense. Clothing ranges mainlyh
from 1940’s style into the 1950’s and 1960’s,
and from casual to formal attire.
Each participant brings a style of their own.
Some items are purchased from online stores,
but a lot of people search thrift stores to find
just the look they are trying to achieve. And
many of the attendees sew their own
garments to bring their own spin on their
We often see families dress in coordinating
outfits, which adds a new flair to the
atmosphere. Sometimes groups of friends
will dress in similar outfits to emphasize the
era they are trying to portray.
It is always interesting to watch attendees
interact with each other. Everyone wishes
each other Happy Dapper Day, and there are
smiles everywhere. During interactions you
hear people compliment each other on their
outfit, and often people will ask where a
person got their accessories, or ask if their hat
or purse is vintage. Sometimes you will hear
someone give the history of a family
accessory, which adds to the excitement, too.
Sources of peoples clothes or
In rare cases, someone will disclose that they
have made their dress or hat from actual
vintage fabric, or that they have re-purposed
an old drape or tablecloth to make their dress
or skirt. It is fascinating to see the amount of
creativity that people have in making their
personal style.
We have found that another exciting source
for people is to use family heirlooms as part
of their outfits. We have known women to
remake dresses from their mothers, including
a wedding dress makeover. We also know
that many people wear jewelry passed down
from family members, and even a few men
who have inherited cuff links from their
fathers. Vintage brooches and necklaces
often make an appearance at Dapper Day.
© vintagedapperday 2015 to Present
Jake, what a suit! We love it.
Jake has been attending Dapper Day events with his mother and
grandmother for quite some time. He loves to dress dapper, and the
family let us know that they don’t pick his clothes, he takes charge of
finding the right outfits for himself. We think he is a real heartthrob in
his fancy suits. And he loves posing and looking like a proper
Ray and Joanie have pizza on Dapper Day Eve
Joanie, Jared and Arnick
Joe and Lynn
Addy and Rudi
Joanie and Candise
Boy, Joanie, I have the same number
of fingers as you.
Brian and Barbie. Nice that
you could visit from Alaska,
Barbie, just in time for
Dapper Day
Courtney and Carlos
from Georgia
Joanie, Gay, and Ray
Joanie, Gay and
Richard and Novella
Kimber and Michael
Joe and Yari
Little Logan is now 12
Colt, Jessica and Fred
Happy Birthday, Traci. We gave Traci some very vintage Legos we got in Germany in 1982. Traci is a big
Lego collector. The one box at the bottom was never opened.
The Grossi’s
Dapper Day Eve always attracts a
group of people who enjoy wearing
their very finest and seeing each
other for the first time in a few
It is fun to see how far people travel for Dapper Day Eve.
Some drive an hour or two and others drive most of the
day just to get together Friday evening for the fun. Some
will only stay for a short time so they can get back to their
rooms to get everything ready for the rest of the weekend.
Others stay for several hours just to walk around, look at
the stores and have some time to see everyone.